Sunday, October 17, 2010

Foa's Ark Wildlife Sanctuary

On Thursday Ned Joey had his first excursion! As part of the Environment badge, Beechworth Joey Scouts went to their local Wildlife Sanctuary to see where people take injured native animals.  We met three Eastern Grey Kangaroos that were each found on the sides of roads after being hit by cars - and they were nearly ready to be released back into the wild.  We saw a few Wallabys come out of the bush for a feed, these wallabys were reared by the carers there and still return in the evenings. Nina the possum is big and was burnt by the bushfires last year.  We also met a baby wombat who was found walking on the side of the road recently and without it's mother.
Baby Panda the brush tail possum was so tiny and about 6 months old.

The Joey Scouts found it all fascinating and have a good idea why we need to care for our environment and the animals that live around us.

Monday, September 20, 2010

on holidays..

Ned Joey has been very busy lately getting to know some of the Joey Scouts and spending time at their houses.  The next two weeks we are on holidays but we are looking forward to a very busy and fun term 4!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ned Joey's investiture

We all sat in our circle and then tried to remember the words to the Joey Scout Promise. Some of us knew it very well!  Some of us needed a little bit of help so we read the poster from our pin board -

"I promise
To do my best
To love my God
and be helpful"

We also talked about the Joey Scout Law "A Joey Scout cares, A Joey Scout shares" and remembered our Theme - HOP (Help Other People) - that one's easy as we say it at the beginning and end of each meeting!

We then passed Ned Joey around the circle and shook his left hand.

To finish our ceremony, We sang the Happy Little Joey Scout Song:
Happy Little Joey Scouts

We’re Happy Little Joey Scouts as bright as bright can be

We all enjoy our Joey Scouts come Care and Share with me

We promise all to do our best

Be Helpful as can be

We all enjoy our Joey Scouts

We really love our Joey Scouts

So come along and HOP with me!

Who is Ned Joey?

Ned Joey lives in Beechworth, North East Victoria, Australia.

Ned Joey would like to become a Joey Scout with 1st Beechworth Scouts and help promote all the exciting things that Joey Scouts get up to!

Each week he'll be going home with the Joey Scout who takes the prayer book home and he can be loved and join in any family activities.  He'll then come to Joey Scouts each Thursday and be taken home to a new family.

Ned Joey will come with us on all our Scouting activities and we'll be able to post photos of him on our blog to show you how much fun we have!

He can't wait to meet all the Beechworth Joey Scouts..  You might like to leave him a message!